After ruling out any attack on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in Nandigram last week, Election Commission of India (ECI) on Sunday suspended Purba Medinipur SP Pravin Prakash, according to ANI. The EC said, “Charges shall be framed against him for failing to make proper arrangement.”
The commission has posted IAS officer Smita Pandey as DM and DEO of Purba Medinipur in place of Vibhu Goel, who has been transferred to a non-election post. Former DGP Intelligence Punjab Anil Kumar Sharma has been appointed as Special Police Observer for West Bengal Assembly elections and AK Sharma will be second Special Police Observer, in addition to Vivek Dube, said the EC.
Also read: How did alleged attack on Mamata take place despite Z+ security? BJP demands probe
The West Bengal CM on Wednesday evening alleged that she was pushed by four or five men in Nandigram, where she went to file her nomination for the upcoming assembly elections.
Also read: ‘Did Mamata Banerjee fake the attack?’ BJP tweets video with questions
Releasing a video from the hospital, she had said, “I sustained injuries in hand, leg and ligament. I was standing near the car when I was pushed against it, yesterday. I am on medication and will soon leave from Kolkata… I request everybody to maintain peace and refrain from doing anything that can cause inconvenience to anybody. I will resume work in the next 2-3 days.”
West Bengal, which will go to polls in eight phases from March 27, is witnessing a high political drama with PM Modi and BJP national president accusing the TMC government of ignoring state’s development and not providing jobs to unemployed youth.
Mamata, on the other hand, termed BJP party leaders of being outsiders and has on several occasions said that Bengal will never vote for outsiders.