Indian Olympian and shooter Manu Bhaker was on Friday allegedly stopped from boarding an Air India flight from Delhi to Bhopal. She claimed that she was asked to pay over Rs 10,000 since she was carrying weapons and ammunition for her training and alleged that Air India official and security staff misbehaved with her. The shooter was allowed to board her flight after an intervention from Union Minister Kiren Rijiju.
Bhaker took to Twitter to post a photo of herself standing at the Delhi Airport and said, “Not allowing me to board flight AI 437 at IGI Delhi and asking now 10200rs Despite all valid Documentation and DGCA permit . Top of that Manoj Gupta Air india incharge and other staff is humiliating me despite I have 2 guns and ammunition @KirenRijiju @HardeepSPuri waiting sir?”
The shooter alleged that an Air India staff misbehaved with her and disregarded her documents approved by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). She said, “Think this type behaviour is not acceptable. Manoj Gupta is not even human. He is treating me like I am a criminal. Also his security incharge Such people need basic training of behaviour hopefully Aviation ministry will find out &will send him to right place @HardeepSPuri.”
After two hours, Bhaker tweeted thanking Rijiju. She said, “Thank you @KirenRijiju sir. Got boarded after strong support from all of you. Thank you India. jai hind.”
She then released a statement talking about the problems and harassment she faced. She said, “Thank you every one and all who help me. Especially Who made my boarding possible. Few also think May be one sided and I got undue advantage. Sport ministry bears all my expense spent by me in any form Very clear if I had to pay for any wrong or right reason it’s Govt money.”