Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his apartment in Bandra, Mumbai on June 14, 2020. The actor%u2019s cause of death was declared as suicide, after he was found hanging from the ceiling of his apartment.
However, allegations and conspiracy theories about fellow actor and girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty being involved in his death have dominated the discourse over the past year. The actor has been accused of laundering money through Sushant%u2019s account, while authorities are also probing drugs-related angles in the case.
In her defence, Rhea had time and again spoken up about her relationship with Sushant. Here are the five most shocking statements she made about Sushant.
Also Read | You are my guardian angel now: Rhea on Sushant’s death anniversary
1. Sushant wanted to leave Bollywood
Rhea Chakraborty had said that Sushant wanted to leave Bollywood and that he was planning to shift from Mumbai to Coorg in Karnataka prior to his death.
2. Sushant used to smoke marijuana
Rhea had claimed that Sushant was a regular consumer of marijuana, adding she felt bad to throw light on someone%u2019s vices after their death but she had no option.
Also Read | Sushant Singh Rajput & Rhea Chakraborty: Love story with a tragic end
3. Sushant%u2019s relation with his father was not stable
Rhea said that Sushant had told her that he didn%u2019t get along with his father very well, adding that their relationship has been like that since his childhood.
4. Sushant suffered from depression
Rhea claimed that Sushant suffered from depression, adding that one of the biggest reasons was that he could not be with his mother who passed away.
5. Sushant was claustrophobic
Sushant had opened up about his claustrophobia prior to departing for Europe one day, Rhea said. She said that he did not like sitting in flights, adding that he used to take medication for the same.