India will celebrate Holi on Monday. While the festival is popularly known for being all about the colours and celebrations, food plays a major role in most households and parties.
After all the dancing and playing with colours, we all deserve a good meal with all the essential dishes. Let’s take a look at some of the dishes that should be on your table this holi:
Is it even Holi if you do not have a bite of this classic? Crispy crust filled with sweet and rich stuffing, Gujiya has remained a Holi classic throughout ages.
The sweet Indian pancake, Malpuas are so good that they make it to the dessert list for almost every festival in the country.
What is a Holi celebration without a few glasses of Thandai. Whether you like it virgin or spiked with bhaang, it is impossible to celebrate the festival of colour without Thandai.
Chicken Wings
Now this might come as a surprise but over the years, wings have stood out as a major party snack. One can be quite creative with the sauces and also experiment with dips when it comes to wings.