Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Tuesday issued updated guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the state. He ordered restrictions on both indoor and outdoor gatherings from March 1 and directed deputy commissioners (DCs) that face masks and social distancing measures be strictly enforced, reported PTI.
Also read: Maharashtra government imposes new restrictions amid surge in COVID-19 cases
The chief minister also authorised DCs to impose night-curfew in COVID-19 hotspots in their districts whenever needed.
Chairing a virtual review meeting of the COVID-19 situation in Punjab, Singh ordered to limit indoor gatherings to 100 people and outdoor events to 200 attendees from March 1, an official statement said.
The move comes amid a rising number of coronavirus cases in Punjab.
Also read: India records 10,584 new COVID-19 cases, 78 deaths in past 24 hours
Singh said a decision on reducing occupancy in cinema halls will be taken after March 1.
Private offices and restaurants will be encouraged to display the last COVID-19 tests done for all employees, he added.
Punjab is among five states that have been asked by the Centre to refocus on strict surveillance, containment and RT-PCR testing to check the growing number of cases. The other four states are Maharashtra, Kerala, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.