RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das on Sunday said he tested positive for coronavirus, adding that he is asymptomatic and is “feeling very much alright”. 

Das on Twitter said that he tested positive for COVID-19, however, despite his infection, the work in the Reserve Bank of India will “go on normally.” He said he will continue to work “from isolation.”

“I have tested COVID-19 positive. Asymptomatic.Feeling very much alright.Have alerted those who came in contact in recent days.Will continue to work from isolation. Work in RBI will go on normally. I am in touch with all Dy. Govs and other officers through VC and telephone,” Das wrote on Twitter on Sunday. 

Currently, the RBI has full strength of four deputy governors — BP Kanungo, MK Jain, MD Patra, and M Rajeshwar Rao.

Last week, Das, who has been quite actively working during the pandemic, said the country is at the doorstep of economic revival on the back of accommodative monetary and fiscal policies being pursued by the central bank and the government.