Ahead of IPL 2021, Royal Challengers Bangalore opener Devdutt Padikkal tested positive for COVID-19, India Today reported. Padikkal is reportedly undergoing quarantine and is likely to miss the first 2 games of RCB. The team is currently in Chennai where it is set to play the tournament opener against Mumbai Indians on April 9.
This comes a day after Delhi Capitals’ Axar Patel and 17 staff members of the Wankhede cricket stadium in Mumbai tested positive for COVID-19.
Despite this, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) said it is not thinking about shifting the IPL fixtures out of Mumbai.
“Hyderabad is one of the stand-by venues but for all practical purposes, we are still not thinking about shifting games from Mumbai. It will be difficult to create another bio-bubble at such short notice,” a senior BCCI official told PTI on Saturday.