BJP MP Sadhvi Pragya Thakur appealed people to recite Hanuman Chalisa five times a day, till August 5, to get rid of the coronavirus. The Bhopal MP released a video on her Twitter page, on Saturday to urge residents to recite the prayer.
After stating the efforts undertaken by Madhya Pradesh’s BJP government to control the pandemic, by imposing a lockdown in capital Bhopal, from July 25 to August 4, Thakur urged people to undertake spiritual efforts to ward off the contagion.
“Let us all together make a spiritual effort to wish people good health and end the coronavirus epidemic,” she says.
Recite ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ five times a day at your home from July 25 to August 5. Conclude this ritual by lighting lamps on August 5 and offering ‘aarti’ to Lord Ram at home.”
The Bhopal MP claimed that the coronavirus will vanish once the Hindus from around the country chant the prayer in one voice.
Though the lockdown in Bhopal will end on August 4, the prayers should be chanted till August 5 as it’s the day of the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, Thakur explained.
“Though the lockdown will be over on August 4, this ritual (recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa) will end on August 5, when ‘bhoomi pujan’ for Ram temple in Ayodhya will be performed. We will celebrate that day like Diwali,” Thakur said.
The August 5 ceremony in Ayodhya will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani.
Madhya Pradesh has reported 26,926 cases of COVID-19, along with 799 deaths. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan announced on Saturday that he has tested positive for COVID-19.