In a viral video posted by Chabi Gupta, her mom reacted to her 35,000 Gucci belt purchase. One glance and she instantly compares the luxury belt to the Delhi Public School uniform belt.
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Shocked at the price she said that such a belt could have been easily bought for just Rs 150 in the local market.
Chabi captioned the video that now has 1.5 million views, %u201CMy DPS belt ft. Bihari mom%u201D.
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In the video Chabi%u2019s mom, Anita Gupta asked why the belt was so expensive. Confused, she looked for reason and asked her daughter if the belt did something different.
Users in the comment section are having a hoot at the comparison of the Gucci belt with the DPS aesthetic.
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%u201CEpic .. only moms can bring down a global luxury fashion brand like this%u201D, said one user in the comments.
Relating to the video a second user said, %u201CI think this is what every Bihari mom says on buying literally anything%u201D.
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The candidness and honesty of the Indian mother won the hearts of people in the comment section.
%u201CNo one can beat an Indian mom in roasting%u201D, commented the third user.