A young finisher from Tamil Nadu – with solid domestic performances on his resume – Shahrukh Khan was sold to the Punjab Kings for Rs 5.25 crore in the 2021 IPL auction. Sharing his first message as a Punjab player, Khan said that he takes this as an opportunity to learn under India great Anil Kumble and a dynamic skipper – KL Rahul.
In a video posted by Punjab Kings on their Twitter handle, Shahrukh Khan said he is really excited to be a part of Punjab Kings’ and hopes to do well for the team.
Named after Shah Rukh Khan, the batsman comes with a big built and is expected to add the necessary firepower to the Punjab squad. With the likes of hard-hitting batsmen like Chris Gayle and Nicholas Pooran around, Khan might take his first IPL season as a big learning curve.
The Punjab Kings also added the likes of Dawid Malan, Jhye Richardson, Riley Meredith, Moises Henriques, Utkarsh Singh and Jalaj Saxena to the squad.