Athlete Hima Das was appointed as the Deputy Superintendent of Police of Assam on Friday. Das, who has been appointed under the Integrated Sports Policy of the state government, was handed over the letter by Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal. Apart from Das, 596 newly-recruited sub-inspectors in the Assam Police were given their appointment letter on Friday.
On the occasion, the chief minister said that though appointment in government service is a regular process, certain recruitments exemplify ethical values and inspire the society and the people in the administration to follow the path of righteousness.
Congratulating the newly-recruited sub- inspectors and their parents, he said, “The uniform of a police personnel carries with it a lot of responsibility, duty and sense of integrity and I urge the newly-appointed sub-inspectors to contribute towards giving a new momentum to the police force.”
Speaking about the appointment of the athlete, he said, “The state government appointed sprinter Hima Das as DSP in the Assam Police because she has made the state proud with her achievements in the national and international sporting arena.”