Shehnaaz Gill, who celebrates her birthday today on January 27, shared photos of the token of love she received from Brahma Kumaris on her first birthday without Sidharth Shukla. She had shared the letters and the handwritten cards that have been personally given to her by them on her social media handle which had words of encouragement. She thanked them for their good wishes.
Also read- Shehnaaz Gill to pay tribute to Sidharth Shukla in Bigg Boss 15 Grand Finale
In one of the photos, she is plainly dressed while receiving a booklet from one of the sisters. There is also a cake on the table.
Sidharth and Shehnaaz’s combination is undoubtedly the best of Bigg Boss 13 ever. But their beautiful story came to an end when Sidharth passed away in September 2021 which was the most shocking news for everyone. The news shattered Shehnaaz. After Sidharth’s demise, she got good support from Sidharth’s mother, Rita Shukla, and the Brahma Kumaris.