Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut has slammed international pop star Rihanna for coming out in support of the farmers who are protesting on the outskirts of Delhi since November against the government’s farm laws.
Rihanna took to Twitter on Tuesday to criticise the Internet shutdown at the protest site.
“Why aren’t we talking about this?! #FarmersProtest,” the 32-year-old singer wrote alongside a CNN news article headlined, “India cuts internet around New Delhi as protesting farmers clash with police.”
Soon, Ranaut called the singer a “fool” for extending her support to the farmers.
“No one is talking about it because they are not farmers they are terrorists who are trying to divide India, so that China can take over our vulnerable broken nation and make it a Chinese colony much like USA… Sit down you fool, we are not selling our nation like you dummies,” she tweeted.
A Twitter user was quick to pull out one of Ranaut’s old tweets in which she can be seen expressing her appreciation for Rihanna’s song ‘Diamond.’ Ranaut replied saying that she knows nothing about pop music and her fan page was handling her account back then.
The actor has 3 million followers on Twitter while Rihanna has over 100 million.