Tamil actor Vivekh, who is known for films such as ‘Runn’, ‘Anniyan’, and ‘Sivaji’, has been admitted to a hospital in Chennai after suffering a heart attack, says an article by News Minute. It is also said that his condition is critical.
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The actor was vaccinated for COVID-19 on April 15. At that time, he said that he wanted to make a point that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe.
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“It doesn’t mean we will not get COVID-19 if we get vaccinated. We should be careful. The vaccine assures that we don’t get affected severely.”
“Actor Vivek was brought to the hospital in an unconscious state today. He underwent emergency coronary angiogram followed by angioplasty. He is currently in critical condition on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in the intensive care unit,” the SIMS Hospital, Chennai said.