Late actor Vivekh, who died on Saturday due to cardiac arrest, was known to be a close friend to late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former president of India. Vivekh also took an interview of Kalam where they talked about a wide array of topics, including Green India.
Also Read: ‘Gone too soon’: Tamil actor Vivekh dies, film fraternity reacts
Here’s the interview video of Dr. Kalam and Vivekh:
In many ocassions, Kalam and Vivekh praised each other and said that they were good friends. Once giving a speech to students in an university, he mentioned that Vivekh and he were thick friends.
Also Read: Must Read | Tamil actor Vivekh’s notable movies
Late actor Vivekh was moved by Dr. Kalam’s idea of planting trees and saplings and also started a project named %u2018Green Kalam%u2019. Through his project, he planted lakhs of trees as an initiative towards Green India.
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