The Indian pair of Deepika Kumari and Pravin Jadhav, on Saturday, entered the quarterfinals of the archery mixed team on Day 2 of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The duo came back from behind to beat the Chinese Taipei duo of Lin Chie-En and Tang Chih-Chun in the pre-quarters.

The Indians were trailing 3-1 in the match but made a stunning comeback to beat the opposition 5-3. In all probability, the Indians will now face the South Korean team in the quarters.

India needed a perfect 10 to win the match in the deciding set and World No 1 Deepika stepped up to the occasion and recorded just that. Having scored the maximum in the men’s qualification, surpassing Atanu Das and Tarundeep Rai, Pravin booked his place in the Archery Mixed Team event alongside Deepika.

In Set 1, the Indians hit 8, 10, 8, 9 and accumulated a total score of 35 as against Chinese Taipei’s 36.

In Set 2, the Indians hit 10, 10, 9, 9 and accumulated a total score of 38. The Chinese Taipei hit 10, 9, 10, 9 and also accumulated a total score of 38. Both teams got one point each.

In Set 3, India hit 10 four times, getting a total score of 40. The opposition, on the other hand, hit 10 twice and scored 8 and 7 on their other two hits.

The set read 3-3.

There was drama in store in the decider as the duo trailed by two points (17-19) after two arrows each.

In the final two arrows, Lin Chia-En and Tang Chih-Chun shot an 8 and 9 to open the doors for India, and Deepika and Jadhav clinched it with two perfect 10s.

In Set 4, the Indians hit 9, 8, followed by two 10s, taking their accumulated score to 37. The Chinese Taipei only managed to get 36, handing two important points to India as they won the match 5-3.

“We desperately want to win an Olympic medal in archery and it just happened like that,” Deepika said after the match.

“We need lots of confidence, it’s about putting all our experience and hardwork together here. Just think as if it’s your last Olympics, your only chance. We tried our very best and we will try hard in the upcoming matches. We are determined to win a medal here,” she added.

Talking about his partnership with Pravin and missing out the partnership with husband Atanu, Deepika said: “It (the decision) mattered, as I really wanted to play with him (Atanu), but it did not happen. Anyway, I’ve to continue performing irrespective of the situation. I am a little sad that he is not with me in the mixed team. But we have to shoot, you have to win, so just go ahead.”