Rahul Vohra, an actor and YouTuber by profession, died due to coronavirus-induced complications at a Delhi hospital on Sunday. He was 35 years old. Prior to his death, Rahul asked for help on his Facebook handle, requesting better treatment and tagged Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia.
Also read: Who was Rahul Vohra?
Here’s the list of top films he had worked in:
Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Raghu Romeo (2003)
Swades (2004)
Fatso! (2009)
Pyar Impossible! (2010)
Bheja Fry 2 (2011)
Un plus une (2015)
Gour Hari Dastaan (2015)
Sir (2018)
Vohra was famous in the digital media space, especially on social media. He had over 1.9 million followers on Facebook, over 53,000 followers on Instagram and over 107,000 subscribers on Youtube.