On Wednesday, ahead of India’s 3rd Test vs England at the Narendra Modi Stadium, Indian skipper Virat Kohli said that he was worried that the lights at the stadium could potentially impact visibility and the players will have to adapt quickly.
The newly-built stadium is the largest cricketing arena in the world, but it doesn’t have floodlight towers but a ring of LED lights just like the Dubai International Stadium around the perimeter of its roof, which often becomes a challenge for the fielders.
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Kohli said before the Day/night Test match against England that, “It is such an exciting atmosphere here at the largest cricket stadium. I’m a bit more worried about the lights than the colour of the seats.”
“When it gets lost with the lights at the back, it’s hard to spot the ball. We’ve played at a similar stadium at Dubai. It’s about angles, body positions. You need to adapt pretty quickly,” Kohli added.
During last year’s Indian Premeir League (IPL) in the UAE, a lot of rule catches were lost by fielders in Dubai due to flashing lights compared to the Abu Dhabi and Sharjah stadiums.
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Kohli also clarified that he did not think that the orange seats at the booths would pose a visibility problem to the players.