Rajasthan Royals skipper Sanju Samson expressed his disbelief over Sunday’s victory against Kolkata Knight Riders.”We never thought we were in the game”, the captain said in the post-match ceremony.
The statement comes after the team posted the biggest target so far in the ongoing season of the Indian Premier League, sending Rajasthan Royals on a chase of 217 runs.
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“The quality of players made it very interesting. Very happy for the win. There are some things that need to use at the right time. You need to be smart enough to slow it down. I respect KKR as a unit”, Samson added.
“We are lucky to have great players. Special mention to Ashwin for his delivery to Russell. And McCoy is an interesting guy. He doesn’t talk much but seems to be in control over his bowling skills.”
Rajasthan’s victory received support from both, the bowling and batting attack. Yuzvendra Chahal’s hattrick on Monday dismissed three key players who may have been dangerous for the Rajasthan Royals. On the other hand, Jos Buttler pitched in his second century of the season and scored 103 runs off 61 balls.
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“I think from the start we got, we really were going well according to the run-rate. Finchy was good but once he was out, we slowed down a bit. We lacked a bit over there, but it’s a part of the game. Unfortunately, we couldn’t click”, Shreyas Iyer, the skipper of Kolkata Knight Riders said.
“There is a lot of pressure and I love pressure. I just wanted to set an example, doesn’t matter whatever score they get. If they can get it, I can get it as well. That is how I was thinking”, he added.