BJP released its first list of candidates in West Bengal for 57 seats in the state. Along with the announcement, BJP General Secretary, Arun Singh also said that the ex-Trinamool leader, Suvendu Adhikari will be contesting the West Bengal Assembly election from Nandigram seat, ANI reported.
Also Read: Mangalkot constituency elected a Trinamool Congress candidate in 2016
Former Indian cricketer Ashoke Dinda, who joined recently is also a BJP candidate for the Assembly elections. Ironically, he joined BJP the same day his cricket counterpart Manoj Tiwari joined Trinamool. Ashoke Dinda will be contesting the election from Moyna in West Bengal.
Arun Singh also announced that the Baghmundi seat in the Purulia district has been left by BJP to AJSU(All Jharkhand Students Union).
Ex-IPS officer, Bharati Ghosh who had joined BJP in 2019 after leaving Mamata Banerjee, is also going to contest elections on a BJP ticket this year in the assembly elections. She will be contesting from Debra. In another instance of irony, Humayun Kabir, also an ex-IPS officer will be contesting from Debra on a Trinamool ticket. He came into the news when he ordered the arrest of BJP men over raising ‘Goli Maaro’ slogans at a rally.
Reportedly, BJP will also be announcing a well-known personality from Bengal will also be joining BJP in the presence of JP Nadda today.
Also Read: Sonali Guha, 4-term Trinamool MLA hints at joining BJP after a denied ticket from the party
BJP’s central election committee has approved candidates for 57 seats until now.