Nikhil Jain, husband of Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan, is a businessman based in Kolkata. He married Nusrat Jahan on June 19, 2019, few months after being in a relationship with each other.
Nikhil Jain did his schooling at MP Birla Higher secondary school, Kolkata, and later did his BSC in Management from the University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
Also read: ‘You get comfortable, you get lazy’, says actor, entrepreneur, politician Nusrat Jahan
Jain first met with Nusrat Jahan during a 2018 puja celebration and finally tied the knot in Bodrum, Turkey in 2019, under Turkish Marriage Regulation.
Also Read: Is Nusrat Jahan divorcing Nikhil Jain?
Nusrat Jahan on Wednesday said that her marriage with Nikhil Jain is %u2018invalid%u2019 in India. Nikhil Jain revealed that he had filed for an annulment in Kolkata and the couple has been separated since November 2020.