The Padma Awards, India’s civilian state honours, were conferred on 119 people on Monday. This includes 7 Padma Vibhushan, 10 Padma Bhushan and 102 Padma Shri Awards. Among the recipients was Tulsi Gowda, a 72-year-old environmentalist from Karnataka, whose story has become an inspiration to many. The tribal environmentalist was barefoot and dressed in traditional attire for the ceremony that was held at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on Monday. The photos of the same have gone viral on social media.
Also Read: Padma Awards: Kangana Ranaut, Karan Johar conferred honour; check full list here
Who is Tulsi Gowda?
Tulsi Gowda belongs a poor family belonging to Karnataka’s Halakki indigenous tribe. She never had access to any formal education. She began expanding her knowledge in the field of plants at a young age and ended up getting the title ‘Encyclopedia of the Forest’. She has vast knowledge about various plants and herbs found across the world. Not just that, she has also been planting thousands of tress since she was a teenager.
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With an aim to make significant change for environment protection and conservation, the 72-year-old joined the forest department as a temporary volunteer. She was soon recognized for her efforts and offered a permanent position with the forest department.
The Padma Awardee has planted over 30,000 saplings in her lifetime. She has also been involved in several environmental conservation activities since the age of 10.
She was awarded the Padma Shri on Monday.
“President Kovind presents Padma Shri to Smt Tulsi Gowda for Social Work. She is an environmentalist from Karnataka who has planted more than 30,000 saplings and has been involved in environmental conservation activities for the past six decades,” tweeted the President of India’s office.