The life of a woman is never easy, from safety to menstruation to managing regular handbag stuff, every day is a new struggle and it’s high time that we start building conversations around these small yet everyday problems faced by women.
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So attention ladies! In this article, we have listed some tips that can make your life easier than it was yesterday. Thank us later.
Work hacks
1- If you want something, a coffee, a tool or maybe help with the processes, do not sit on it and wait for someone to assume, rather make sure you say it to others who can help you make it happen.
2- Never shy away from asking for some ‘me time’. It is important to delegate personal and work time effectively, especially now that we are working from home.
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3- Never say ‘I think when you actually know something. It makes people more likely to challenge you or think you are open to being convinced.
Safety hacks
1- If you believe you are being followed when in the car or a cab. Drive to the police station and call them on the way.
2- Use your handbag as a rope, hairpins like weapons
3- If you want to keep your money safe in a suspicious environment, keep it in a maxi pad.
4- If you want to go out and update a check-in on social media, do it after you are back so that attackers do not know about your location.
Also Read: Common period myths busted: Cramps, food habits and workouts
Every day hacks
1- Keep your bobby pins stuck to a magnetic paper to avoid misplacement or losing it.
2- Put your pad on your underwear and leave it on the sink so it’ll be ready once you get out of the shower.
3- Say thank you instead of sorry when you’re asking for something.