West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and the Left parties may be political rivals, but her namesake married a man named Socialism on Sunday, in Tamil Nadu’s Salem. P Mamata Banerjee, the bride, has a Bachelor’s
degree in English Literature and comes from a Congress-supporting family.
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The bride’s parents named her after the West Bengal CM when she was part of Congress. P Mamata told NDTV, “I was in Class X when I
understood the significance of my name after my friends started talking
about it.”
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Socialism, who is also bride’s 29-year-old cousin, has a BCom degree and owns a
silver anklet company. When the Soviet Union fell apart, his father, A Mohan,
is the district secretary of the CPI unit in Salem, named his son Socialism.
Communism and Leninism are his other two sons’ names. Mohan claims that he
chose this name for his children even before he was married.
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During the ceremony, the groom stated that the political
rivalry associated with their names would not affect them.