Neeraj Chopra scripted history at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics by winning India’s first Olympic gold medal in athletics. To celebrate the gargantuan achievement, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and the armed forces hailed Neeraj, who is a Subedar with 4 Rajputana Rifles in the Indian Army. They said that he made the country proud by performing like a “true soldier”.
“The Golden victory of Subedar Neeraj Chopra at the Olympics brings laurels for the Indian Army. He performed like a true soldier at the Olympics. It is indeed a historic and proud moment for the entire country including the Indian Armed Forces! Many congratulations to him!” Rajnath tweeted.
Chief of Army Staff Gen MM Naravane and all the ranks of the force also congratulated Neeraj on winning the gold medal with a throw of 87.58 metres.
“General MM Naravane #COAS and All Ranks of #IndianArmy congratulate Subedar Neeraj Chopra on winning Nation’s first ever #GoldMedal in #Javelin in Olympics with a throw of 87.58 meters at #TokyoOlympics,” the Army tweeted.
In a message, Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat said the Neeraj has done the armed forces and the nation proud.
“Neeraj Chopra has proven that when there is a will there is a way…We are confident you will continue to reach greater heights in the years to follow. Your achievement will inspire and motivate other sports persons to aspire and succeed to bring bigger laurels and a greater honour to our nation,” Gen Rawat said.
The Indian Air Force also congratulated Subedar Chopra for the “phenomenal achievement”.
A number of former Army generals also took to Twitter to congratulate Chopra.
“Hail Neeraj Chopra! Hail Indian Army for enabling him to win Olympic Gold.Jai Hind,” former Army Chief Gen (retd) VP Malik said.
Neeraj, 23, became the country’s first track-and-field Olympic gold medal winner. This was India’s first gold medal win since shooter Abhinav Bindra’s win in the 2008 Beijing Games.
Neeraj was born on December 24, 1997, in a family of farmers from a small village of Khandar in Panipat.
His father Satish Kumar is a farmer and his mother Saroj Devi is a housewife. He grew up along with his two sisters, said an Army official.
Neeraj started javelin to reduce weight as he was quite healthy and quickly took a liking for the sport, he said.
“The rest is now history. He came into prominence with his performance at World Under-20 Championship, Poland where he set a new junior world record with a throw of 86.48 metres,” the news agency PTI quoted an official as saying.
The Indian javelin thrower trained under the legendary Uwe Hohn of Germany and won the gold medal in Commonwealth Games 2018 with a throw of 86.47 metres and threw his personal best of 87.43 metres in the Doha leg of Diamond League in 2018.