Popular Kannada actor Aishwarya Arjun has tested positive for coronavirus on Monday. The actor broke the news on her Instagram, and also urged people who were recently in contact with her to get tested as well.
The actor added an update in her Instagram story, saying, “I am quarantined at home while taking all necessary precautions guided by a professional medical team. To anyone who has been in contact with me in the past few days, please take care.”
Her cousin and actor Dhruva Sarja and his wife Prerana Sarja also tested positive for COVID-19 last week. Currently, Aishwarya and her family are recovering from the untimely death of her cousin Chiranjeevi Sarja (39), who died following a cardiac arrest in Bengaluru on July 7.
Daughter of popular south Indian actor Arjun Sarja, Aishwarya made her acting debut with Tamil film Pattathu Yaanai in 2013.