A tragic two-car crash occurred in the Bay Terraces neighborhood of San Diego, resulting in the death of one passenger who was ejected from a vehicle. Additionally, another passenger was critically injured and authorities fear that their injuries may prove fatal.
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The San Diego Police Department was alerted about an accident at the junction of South Woodman Avenue and Jamie Street at 9:24 p.m. on Tuesday. Officers who arrived on the scene found that the collision involved two automobiles. Emergency personnel responded to the tragedy to examine the situation and aid the victims.
Detectives discovered evidence during their collision investigation that a 24-year-old male was operating a Honda and traveling south. In the opposite direction, a 2006 Kia Sedona was being driven by a 56-year-old male. The collision happened when the Kia tried to turn onto Woodman Avenue without properly giving way to the approaching Honda.
One of the two passengers in the Honda was tragically ejected from the vehicle during the accident between the Honda and the Kia, and the police regrettably declared him dead at the site. The other passenger was hurt due to the force of the impact, and they were taken urgently to a hospital nearby. Regrettably, according to the authorities, it was unlikely that this passenger would survive his or her injuries.
Both of the passengers who died in the crash weren’t wearing seat belts at the time of the accident, according to the San Diego Police Department (SDPD). They were thrown from the car because they weren’t using seat belts, which caused fatal injuries. The names of the deceased passengers have not yet been made public.
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All of the other crash participants also suffered just minor wounds. Authorities are likely undertaking a comprehensive investigation to ascertain the facts that led to this tragic tragedy, but the accident’s cause and whether any contributing factors were involved have not yet been made clear.