Lego, a Danish toy production company based in Billund, announced that they have plans to scrap gender bias from its products. This announcement came after a study commissioned by the brands found that girls are hampered by “unequal and restrictive” attitudes towards creativity and play.
While the Danish toymaker company did not lay out specific changes to its products or marketing, it said that they are committed to ensuring that they are “free of gender bias and harmful stereotypes.”
According to CNN, researchers interviewed nearly 7,000 children and parents in seven countries on various subjects. The study found that 76% of parents would encourage their sons to play with Lego bricks; 24% is in the case of girls.
The report that was published on the UN‘s International Day of The Girl stated that parents were likely to encourage their daughters to play dress-up than boys. The study also found that daughters were encouraged by their parents four times more to dance or cook and bake. On contrary, boys were encouraged to take up coding or sports.
In a press release, Lego said there was a “need for society to rebuild perceptions, actions and words to support the creative empowerment of all children.”
“The benefits of creative play such as building confidence, creativity and communication skills are felt by all children and yet we still experience age-old stereotypes that label activities as only being suitable for one specific gender,” said Julia Goldmin, Lego Group’s chief marketing officer, in a statement.
The brand also announced a new campaign titled ‘ready for Girls’ in a bid to make the firm “more inclusive.” The campaign was accompanied by a video that included the achievements of girls and young women. The video includes Fatima Alkaabi, the “youngest inventor” in the United Arab Emirates, and 11-year-old Chelsea Phaire, who founded a charity providing art supplies to disadvantaged children in America.
Goldmin said, “We know we have a role to play in putting this right, and this campaign is one of several initiatives we are putting in place to raise awareness of the issue and ensure we make Lego play as inclusive as possible.”