International Equal Pay Day, observed on September 18, signifies the initiatives aimed at achieving equal pay for equal work. It strengthens the UN’s commitment to protecting human rights and the abolition of all types of oppression, including discrimination against women.
In the 21st century, women are still paid 20% less than men globally. Gender equality and women’s liberation continue to be impeded by the persistence of historical and structural unequal power relations between men and women, poverty, and inequalities and disadvantages in access to resources and opportunities that limit women’s capabilities.
International Equal Pay Day is a stark reflection of the work that needs to be done, policies that need to be analysed through gendered lenses and ensuring the implementation of such policies. Here are 5 quick facts you need to know about this day-
1. Gender wage-gap is lowest in low- to mid-level jobs
Professions like waiters, writers, counsellors, pharmacists, and social workers have the smallest pay gaps, with women earning 97-99% of what their coworkers do. The most significant disparities exist among banking and finance sector in jobs like sales agents, finance experts, and investment advisors. In those fields, the pay disparity between men and women ranges between 61-66%.
2. Working moms face a higher wage gap than women without kids
According to AAUW, mothers earn only 71 cents for every dollar paid to fathers, resulting in a $16,000 annual loss. Women with bachelor’s degrees who work full-time earn 26% less than men. Despite the fact that women now earn more college and postgraduate degrees than men, they also hold nearly two-thirds of the US’ outstanding student debt, raking as high as $929 billion.
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3. In the US, the wage gap is larger for women of colour
The wage gap is also the highest in racial minorities in the US, which is an indicative sign of racism enabled by patriarchy to further exacerbate the economic conditions of non-Hispanic women of colour. According to a survey conducted by AAUW in 2019, Latinas are paid 55 cents/dollar. American Indians and Alaska Natives are paid 60 cents on the dollar. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander women earn 63 cents/dollar. Black women are paid 63 cents on the dollar. Asian women are paid 87 cents/dollar.
4. It will take at least 257 years to close the global gender pay gap
Women perform at least twice as much unpaid domestic and care work as men. Women are over-represented in lower-paying, lower-skilled jobs with higher job insecurity, and they are under-represented in decision-making roles. According to UN data, it will take the next 257 years to close the global gender pay gap.
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5. UN has started the #Stoptherobbery campaign to promote awareness
UN Women’s #StoptheRobbery campaign promotes awareness of the gender pay discrepancy. Women earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men for work of equal value globally, efficaciously being “robbed”. As a means of achieving women’s rights, the movement advocates for equal pay and economic independence for women.