Several netizens on Tuesday took to social media and said that the PSN is down and that core services are not working as they should.

According to various reports, the issues started being shared online by affected gamers at around 8pm BST and are continuing on August 31.

One user reportedly said that they had been booted from a live game, confirming, “Was anyone else on warzone or Cold War when this happened? It literally booted me out of a 15 kill rebirth game.”

According to a report from Express, it said that most players affected tonight can no longer sign into their PSN accounts or play games online.

However, it is unclear what has caused the outage or how long the PlayStation Network could be affected by it.

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Meanwhile, the PSN Server Status page confirms that there is a full outage of all services across all major PlayStation platforms.

A message from the PlayStation support team reads, “You might have difficulty launching games, apps, or network features. We’re working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

“You might have difficulty signing in or creating an account for PlayStation Network. We’re working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.”

More updates are expected to be shared by PlayStation if the outage continues across PS4, PS5 and Website services.