The Urban dictionary name trend has gone viral on social media. People are looking up their names on the crowdsourced online platform (Urban Dictionary) and sharing the results. 

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What is the trend?

People go to the Urban Dictionary (, look up for their name and share the definition- of the name – and description on social media. 

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Note: The content on Urban Dictionary is not based on any facts. 

For example, if a ‘Harry’ looks for the definition of his name, he will find – Harry is a guy who is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, around his friends he is so open but inside they are shy, he is not the best but not the worst either, he will cheer you up when your down and he has the best sense of humour. 

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How does Urban Dictionary work?

Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced glossary that was created in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. Unlike the standard Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary, it gives out meaning of and explains slang words. 

These entries are submitted by random users and vetted by Urban Dictionary’s team of volunteer editors. Hence there is no factual backing to the meaning of your name. 

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Urban Dictionary website says that the definitions are no longer moderated by volunteers. “Under the old system, a definition was published when a majority of volunteer moderators decided it was worth publishing. We appreciate our volunteer moderators’ work over the years. Over time, this system had become dominated by a loud minority who published abusive definitions and didn’t publish the good stuff.”

It introduced a new system where their own moderation team reviews all newly-submitted and flagged definitions.