Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is making his television debut with the upcoming Bollywood game show The Big Picture, which will premier on Colors TV this Saturday. Originally developed in Israel in 2014, the format of the show has since been picked up by Netherlands, Turkey, Portugal and Thailand.
What is The Big Picture?
The show puts the contestants’ knowledge to the test with a series of picture-based questions. There are a total of 12 questions during the game. Contestants are supposed to identify pictures that appear in the screen and choose one from the four given choices. If a contestant answers all 12 questions, he/she wins the grand prize. The contestant can also decide to quit with the money he/she has won at any points in the game.
The contestants also get a “help from home” option when they are not sure about an answer. With this option, one of the viewers at home will the solve the question.
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The India version is expected to have a grand prize of at least Rs 1 crore and fans will be able to watch it every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) at 8pm.
A promo of the showed Ranveer Singh can be seen gifting the first ever contestant of the game show a brand new pair of white sneakers.
“Ranveer ke saath The Big Picture ka anokha quiz show hoga ekdum jhakaas, jab sapne bharengey ek nayi udaan. Dekhiye The Big Picture, ek anokha quiz show, 16th October se, Sat-Sun, raat 8 baje, sirf #Colors par,” the post was captioned.
Another promo showed the actor attempting to play the game himself and suffering. He blurts out several answers and goes on to proclaim himself as the ‘husband of the century’.