Delhi Police Commissioner SN Shrivastava said on Wednesday that farmer unions didn’t follow conditions set for the tractor rally, PTI reported. He said it was given to them (farmers’ leaders) in writing that the rally would be held from 12 pm to 5 pm on Tuesday and would be led by farmers’ leaders, ANI reported.
They were given in writing that there shouldn’t be more than 5,000 tractors at the rally and they shouldn’t carry weapons. By Monday evening, it came to fore that farmers were not keeping their words, he said.
“They brought forward the aggressive and militant elements who occupied the stage and delivered provocative speeches, which made their intentions clear,” he added.
The Delhi Police chief made the statements at a press conference, a day after violence erupted in the national capital during the tractor rally. 394 police personnel sustained injuries, many were still in hospitals and some were admitted to the ICU, the Delhi Police Commissioner said.
Police have registered more than 25 criminal cases and are using facial recognition system and taking the help of CCTV and video footage to identify the accused.
Also read: Rakesh Tikait, Medha Patkar, Yogendra Yadav among 37 named in Delhi Police FIR for R-day violence
“No culprit will be spared,” the Police Commissioner said.
19 were accused, 50 were detained and the “police is questioning them,” said Srivastava.