Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt on Monday shared on social media that her boyfriend and actor Ranbir Kapoor would put up personal pieces from his wardrobe for sale to help children fighting cancer. This will be done as part of Bhatt’s ‘CoExist’ campaign that works towards the issues of animal and ecological welfare. 

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The 27-year-old actor wrote “Tada! Ranbir is sharing his wardrobe with you. Proceeds will provide holistic nutrition to children fighting cancer through Cuddles Foundation.” She added that the sale would go live on Tuesday.

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Bhatt also mentioned that the Kapoor’s gesture was acknowledged by ‘Co-Exist’, the platform founded by her. 

Also read: You cannot miss the Bhatt-Kapoor Christmas get-together!

The ‘Kalank’ actor is currently
holidaying in Maldives with friends Akansha Ranjan Kapoor, Anushka Ranjan
Kapoor and sister Shaheen Bhatt. The girl gang is often seen sharing selfies, pictures and videos with
each other on Instagram.

Also read: Alia Bhatt’s blast from Maldives with best friend Akansha, Anushka and sister Shaheen

Bhatt will be next seen in Ayan Mukherji’s ‘Brahmastra’ with Kapoor
which will be their first time sharing screen together. The film also feature
Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Dimple Kapadia, Nagarjuna Akkineni.

Her another ventures includes Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’
and Karan Joha’s ‘Takht’ while Kapoor’s upcoming film include ‘Shamshera’.