The third installment of Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) Spider-Man franchise is set to reprise the 24-year-old actor Tom Holland. Earlier, there were reports of former Spider-Man actors Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield playing their roles in the upcoming movie, reported Variety.
Holland informed that the crew will restart the production process after a break and is “excited” to see the completion of the film.
“I can say that it’s the most ambitious standalone superhero movie ever made. You sit down, read the script, and see what they’re trying to do, and they’re succeeding. It’s really impressive. I’ve never seen a standalone superhero movie quite like it. And I’m just, you know, again, that lucky little s–t who happens to be Spider-Man in it,” said Holland, Variety reported.
“We got a lot more shooting to do. We started before Christmas and shot for like seven weeks. We stopped for the Christmas break, and then we’re starting again. I’m just as excited as everyone else to see it, let alone be a part of it,” he added.
The British actor’s first appearance as Spider-Man came in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War. Since then, he has appeared as the web-slinger in two Avengers films, in addition to his two solo Spider-Man movies.
The untitled film is being helmed by Jon Watts, who also led Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home, both featuring Tom Holland in the protagonist role.
When asked whether he would like to get behind the camera, Holland said, “Yes, absolutely. I’ve been trying to scratch that itch for a really long time. And my younger brother Harry and I have been writing a script together. We managed to acquire the rights to a book series that we loved as kids.”
“So we’ve been sort of chipping away at that. I now have so much more respect for writers because it’s so difficult, man, I mean, trying to put something on the page is really, really quite difficult,” he added.