Here’s another viral video that will have you gushing. A little girl boarded her GoAir flight to Delhi recently and what she saw left her smiling from ear to ear. The adorable video went viral and for all the right reasons. Doing the rounds on the internet, the video shows a girl named Shanaya Motihar giddy with excitement as she greets her father who she realises is the pilot of her flight. In the video, Shanaya calls out to her “papa”, who is standing at the cockpit doorway.

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As the other passengers board the flight, her father smiles and waves back at her. Shared on Shanaya’s Instagram page, managed by her mother, the video is captioned, “My best flight till now. I love my Papa. He is my Best Friend. I love spending time with him. And when mumma told me he’ll fly us today I was just so excited.” 

It has managed to garner more than 1.4 lakh likes and over 1.2 million views on Instagram since being posted last week.

Of course, Instagram users found it adorable and went all the commenting and calling it cute. One of them wrote, “This is so adorable.” Another chimed in, “I can see the proud papa bears big grin from ear to ear. Probably his best flight too.” A third user commented, “Omg I love this princess she is so much cute.” “I am watching this on loop! The excitement and smile on her face (sic),” one more added. 

While this one is a heartwarming story, there are many flight stories that will leave you shocked and confused. Earlier, an influencer and Instagram model clicked a photograph in the business class section of an airplane. However, she was later found to be sitting in an economy class seat of the flight and received criticism from netizens.