Megstar Amitabh Bachchan, who has turned 79 on Monday, shared a picture of himself on social media and captioned it as “walking into the 80s”. His daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda, however, corrected him in the comment section and reminded him that it is his 79th birthday.
Also Read: Birthday Special: Amitabh Bachchan’s less popular but equally powerful dialogues
In the picture, Amitabh Bachchan dons a grey jacket, dark trousers and a sling bag. Sharing the picture, Amitabh wrote on Instagram, “ walking into the 80th..” Shweta was quick to comment with, “79th.” She also added a heart emoji.
Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda also commented with a raised hands emoji. Ranveer Singh commented, “Gangster.” while Bhumi Pednekar wrote, “swag..Happy birthday sir.”
Amitabh also thanked his well-wishers and fans in his blog post for Sunday. He posted that he is “incapable of giving expression to the throbbing heart that I bear .. throbbing with the excitement of your love…It shall be impossible to acknowledge all of you in the personal equation .. but I know you do understand that I understand your greeting and that is eventually what matters .. I walk with the pride of your following .. and your love ..”
Also Read: Big B turns 79: Sudesh Bhosle recalls how ‘Aree O Jumma’ is still people’s favourite
Son of social activist Teji Bachchan and renowned Hindi poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Big b started his career in 1969 in the film ‘Saat Hindustani’. His role in the crime-thriller film ‘Zanjeer’ and created a space for himself. He then got the tag of the angry young man. At an age of 79, he is still one of the busiest actors in Bollywood and has given hits such as ‘Deewaar’, ‘Silsila’, ‘Yaraana’, ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gum’, ‘Don’, ‘Baghban’, ‘Sholay’, ‘Shehenshaah’ and ‘Piku’.