The 62-year-old actor, who portrayed the disguised vigilante in the 1998 film The Mask of Zorro and its 2005 sequel, The Legend of Zorro, wants his Uncharted co-star Tom Holland to make the perfect replacement for him.

In an interview with, Antonio said, “I did ‘Uncharted’ with him, and he’s so energetic and fun, and he’s got this spark too. Why not?”  

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The actor further revealed he would think about doing a third film in order to deliver the mask to Holland,  just as his predecessor Sir Anthony Hopkins did in The Mask of Zorro.

He also said, “Yes, I would. I would consider that possibility. Why not?

“I think, during today’s interviews, I said something like that to somebody. I said, ‘Well, if they called me to do Zorro, I would do what Anthony Hopkins did in the first for me, which is give the torch to somebody else. ”

Antonio Banderas thinks Tarantino’s style of filmmaking would have been ideal for the unproduced picture, and he would have cherished the opportunity to collaborate with both Foxx and the Pulp Fiction director.

The Spanish actor said, “He talked to me, I think on the Oscar night (in 2020) when I was nominated for Pain and Glory. We saw each other at one of those parties.

“He just came up to me and I was like, ‘In your hands? Yeah, man!’ Because Quentin just had that nature to do those types of movies and give them quality.

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In fact, Antonio Banderas had put forward the notion of returning to the series to give Holland the mask, just as he and venerable actor Anthony Hopkins did in The Mask of Zorro.

Don Diego de la Vega (Hopkins) transferred the baton to bandit-con man Alejandro Murrieta (Banderas) in the 1998 movie. He trained him to become his former alter persona, the enigmatic masked swordsman, so they could seek revenge on their adversaries Rafael Montero (Stuart Wilson) and Harrison Love (Matt Letscher).

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On the work front, Antonio Banderas anticipates the arrival of the animated comedy-adventure Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, in which he reprises the title role he initially played in 2011.