Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ memoir ‘Unfinished’ has been released on February 9 and in the autobiography, the actress shared several incidents from her personal and professional life. While recalling one such occasion, the 38-year-old wrote about an incident that required her to strip off her clothes, one item at a time while shooting a seductive song.
Priyanka asked the director if she should wear extra layers so that she wouldn’t be “down to skin way too fast” as it was a long song.
“The director suggested I speak to my stylist, so I called him and briefly explained the situation, then passed the phone to the director. Standing right in front of me, the director said: “Jo bhi ho, chaddiyan dikhni chahiyen. Nahi toh log picture kyon dekhne aayenge?” which translates as “whatever happens, panties should be seen. Otherwise, why would people come to watch the movie?” wrote Priyanka in the book.
The actress quit the project the next day.
“I was ready to go full-out as a temptress in the number. The director’s words and tone, though, conveyed that he regarded me in a way that I found unacceptable,” she added.
The actress also mentioned that how the director visited sets of her other film in an ‘agitated’ state and this was the time her co-star Salman Khan, had to intervene.