Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Saturday claimed that she “became the first rebel Rajput woman at 15,” after she fought with her father and left home. In a series of tweets, the actor talked about her father, their relationship and her career in Bollywood.
The ‘Queen’ actor said, “My father has licensed rifle and guns, growing up he didn’t scold he roared, even my ribs trembled, in his youth he was famous for gang wars in his college which gave him a reputation of a gunda, I fought with him at 15 and left home, became first Baaghi Rajput woman at 15.”
She talked about a particular incident that changed the dynamics of their relationship. She said, “My papa he wanted to make me the best doctor in the world, he thought he was being a revolutionary papa by giving me education in best institutions, when I refused to go to school he tried to slap me I held his hand and famously told him ‘if you slap me I will slap you back’.”
The ‘Manikarnika’ actor added, “That was it end of our relationship something changed in his eyes, he looked at me then my mother and left the room, I knew I had crossed the line and never found him back again but one can only imagine the extend i can go to break free, nothing can keep me caged.”
According to Ranaut, she has fixed all the people who tried to fix her. She said, “This chillar industry thinks success got to my head and they can fix me, I was always Baaghi its only after success my voice got stronger and today I am one of the most prominent voices in the nation. History is a witness whoever tired to fix me I fixed them instead.”
Talking about the industry, Ranaut dismissed rumours that she started criticising Bollywood following the success of her 2014 film ‘Queen.’
Sharing an old video she said, “Another clip from 2012, teaching Bullywood cinema n urging them to stop embarrassing India globally, I am only sharing these to bust this propaganda by mafia media that I starting criticising Bullywood after became hugely successful post Queen release in 2014,Fact check- not true.”