The founder and former commissioner of the Indian Premier League (IPL), Lalit Modi, has sent social media abuzz after he removed the mention of former Miss Universe and actress Sushmita Sen from his Instagram bio, and even changed his profile picture on the social media platform. Modi’s profile picture had featured Sen since the (former?) couple confirmed two months ago that they were in a relationship.
In July 2022, Modi uploaded pictures from a vacation he and Sen had gone on together at Maldives. After said vacation, Modi’s Instagram bio read “Founder @iplt20 INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE – finally starting a new life with my partner in crime. My love @sushmitasen47 (sic).” He has now removed Sen’s mention from the same, with his new bio being “Founder @iplt20 INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE – Moon (sic)”.
Also Read| Lalit Modi calls Arnab Goswami ‘biggest clown’, rants about Indian media
Despite the aforementioned changes, Modi has not yet removed pictures he had posted with Sen from his Instagram account. Have a look right here:
When Modi and Sen first went public with their relationship in July, the couple found themselves on the receiving end of ridicule from a section of social media users. Some started calling Sen a “gold-digger” who was just with Modi because of the fortune he has amassed. Have a look at their vacation pictures right here:
Sen, in response to the trolls, lashed out saying, “It’s heartbreaking to see just how miserable and unhappy the world around us is becoming.” “I dig deeper than Gold and I’ve always (famously) preferred Diamonds!! And yes I still buy them myself!!! (sic)“.
Also Read| Sushmita Sen’s ex-boyfriend Rohman Shawl, brother Rajeev react to her relationship with Lalit Modi
Firstpost reports that recently Sen’s former boyfriends, Rohman Shawl and Ritik Bhasin, were both in attendance at a birthday party the actress had organized for her daughter, Renee Sen. It remains to be seen whether further details emerge regarding her relationship status in the future.