With Money Heist’s part five, volume one scheduled to release on Friday, makers of the Netflix show revealed the names of the episodes through a new promo video. The promo teased that one of the show’s most loved characters Berlin might be alive in the fifth episode of volume one, named ‘Live Many Lives’.

Pedro Alonso’s character Berlin, the brother of The Professor (Alvaro Morte) was killed in season two. But he returned to the show many times through flashbacks.

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The first episode was revealed to be ‘The End of the Road’, with inspector Alicia Sierra torturing The Professor. ‘Do You Believe in Reincarnation’, is the name of the second episode with Denver, Lisbon and Manila back in action mode against the unknown enemy.

In the third episode, ‘Welcome to the Show of Life’, Tokyo finally reunites with her lover Rio. The two had broken up when Rio returned from his illegal detention.

With the fourth episode, ‘Your Place in Heaven’, the bank roof got blown up mostly by the army, leaving the gang to shield themselves.

Also read| Money Heist writers regret killing off Pedro Alonso’s character Berlin

In episode five named ‘Live Many Lives’, The Professor was shocked to see his brother Berlin sitting on the couch.

In a video shared by Netflix and Money Heist on their social media handles, Alvaro Morte revealed that with part five, fans’ emotional stability will be affected as the show comes loaded with many things.

Money Heist part five will be divided into two volumes with five episodes each. Volume two of part five will release on December 3, 2021, with volume one releasing this Friday.