Actor Priyanka Chopra, who was part of the ‘Matrix Resurrections’ premiere that took place on Sunday night, said that she missed her husband, singer Nick Jonas at the event. She also revealed the reason why Nick couldn’t join her.
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“He couldn’t make it tonight. Somebody in his tour tested positive, so he wanted to be careful coming in,” she told The Hollywood Reporter.
Priyanka shared pictures from the premiere on Instagram. On the red carpet, the actor stood alongside Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jada Pinkett Smith, Neil Patrick Harris, among others. For the event, Priyanka opted for a silver high slit gown.
‘The Matrix Resurrections’ is set to hit the theatres on December 22. It also stars Daniel Bernhardt, Jonathan Groff and Jessica Henwick in lead roles.
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Priyanka also took to her social media to share new photos, in which she can be seen goofing around with her father-in-law Kevin Jonas and mother-in-law Denise Jonas. She also shared pictures of having a conversation with her mother Madhu Chopra.
In the photos, Priyanka Chopra is seen inside a private flight along with her mother and Nick Jonas’ parents. She wore a green dress and white sneakers. Her pet dog Diana was also seen along with her. In one of the pictures, Priyanka stuck out her tongue and made bunny ears with her fingers as she stood behind Papa Kevin and Denise. Priyanka tagged the location as San Francisco, where she attended the premiere of The Matrix Resurrections.
Priyanka also added a few photos from the premiere in California. Priyanka captioned her post, “Crew! (red heart emoji) I’m so thankful for my family. Thank you all for being a part of this amazing moment with me. My team without who I would never be able to do any of it. Grateful. Missed you @nickjonas (red heart emoji) Happy birthday @divya_jyoti.” She also tagged Nick and added the hashtag ‘Matrix Resurrections’.
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Priyanka is also making her Bollywood comeback with Farhan Akhtar’s ‘Jee Le Zara’ along with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.