Ryan Grantham, who featured in the CW show Riverdale, has been sentenced to life in prison, as per a statement by the BC Prosecution Services in British Columbia, Canada. Apart from life in prison, the court has also handed a lifetime firearm ban to Grantham during his September 20 sentencing. According to the statement, the life sentence and firearm ban are compulsory for second-degree murder in British Columbia.
After the sentencing, Grantham’s attorney Chris Johnson told E! News that the actor worked hard to change his life following his arrest.
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“He’s received a lot of psychological assistance and he has struggled with what he’s done and facing that,” a statement issued by Johnson read.
“He hopes to be able to dedicate the rest of his life to making amends,” it added.
Grantham pled guilty to second-degree murder in March 2022, in the case of his mother’s death. The British Columbia Supreme Court’s decision on September 20 comes after his guilty plea.
As per reports, prosecutors said that Grantham shot his mother Barbara Waite at the back of her head in March 2020. They also revealed that the actor made a video of himself confessing to the murder of his mother, which also featured the corpse.
The actor also planned to kill Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he loaded guns, bullets and Molotov cocktails in his car the day after killing his mother. Grantham planned to travel to the capital Ottawa, where he planned to assassinate the Prime Minister, a report by CBS has said.
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However, he decided to change his plans and tried to commit mass violence at the Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver or his alma mater, Simon Fraser University. However, he also did not go through with this plan and surrendered himself to the Vancouver police by confessing to the murder of his mother.
“It hurts me to think about how badly I’ve wasted my life,” he said at the time. “In the face of something so horrible, saying sorry seems so pointless. But from every fiber of my being, I am sorry,” Grantham told the court during his hearing in June.
Michaela Donnelly, the prosecutor in Grantham’s case, put forward two psychiatric reports which said that the actor was suffering from violent urges and clinical depression before killing his mother.