Diljit Dosanjh recently shared a video clip on Instagram from his concert in Vancouver, in which he is shown paying an emotional tribute to the recently deceased rap icon Sidhu Moosewala. The actor-singer also remembered and honoured his “brothers” Deep Sandhu- a Punjabi actor, and Sandeep Singh Sandhu- a late kabaddi player, with a digital banner in the background saying emphatically- ‘This Show is Dedicated to Our Brothers’. 

Also read: Sidhu Moose Wala debuts on Billboard Global 200 Charts for the first time

In the midst of his performance, Dosanjh interacted with the audience in Punjabi- lamenting about how there are always people out there, both in the online as well as in the real world, looking to bring down those who have achieved fame. He also took time out to plead with the Punjabi community to stay united,  claiming that there were forces out there seeking to divide it. 

Also read: Sidhu Moose Wala’s videos played at New York’s iconic Times Square | Watch

As soon as he mentioned Moosewala‘s name, the audience responded with resounding applause. Singing about the poignant moment when Moosewala’s father had removed his turban during his son’s funeral, Diljit said, “I have immense respect for you and your turban”. He finished his interaction with a warning to all those who he thinks are trying to drive a wedge in the community and trying to sully Moosewala’s name, declaring, “Moose Wala’s name is written on hearts, it will take a lot to wipe it off”. The audience cheered feverishly.

You can watch the video here-

Also read: Sidhu Moose Wala case: Interpol issues Red-Corner notice against gangster Goldy Brar

Moosewala, whose real name was Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu, was shot dead by unidentified assailants in Punjab’s Mansa district in May. While Deep Sidhu died in February in a road accident in Sonipat, Haryana, and Sandeep Singh Sandhu was shot dead in Punjab’s Jalandhar.

On Monday, the Delhi Police arrested three persons, including two shooters, in connection with the killing of Moosewala.