Bollywood singer Sonu Nigam recently posted an Instagram video where he claimed that the music industry is full of ‘mafias’. He also blamed Bhushan Kumar, Chairman of music production giant T Series, for provoking people to talk ill against the singer during interviews.

Sonu, who has given some of the popular hits like Kal Ho Na Ho title track, has not only warned Kumar for instigating the wrong person but also threatened to release a video of actress Marina Kauwar, who had accused Kumar of sexual harassment when the #MeToo protests in India were on the rise. 

Singers like Monali Thakur and Adnan Sami came in support of Sonu and accepted that a lot of illegal activities do occur in the music industry. In an interview with Bollywood spy, Monali Thakur revealed that she had a chat with Sonu Nigam after he posted the video and thanked him for bringing out the truth. 

“He (Sonu Nigam) is a very big name and an iconic musician. He is over all these things, he has done his bit of his career. But it is true that there is a lot of ‘mafiagiri’ in our music industry. Nobody gets their due. That is the reason why I do not like the atmosphere and the ecosystem of the music industry. I don’t even try to get movie songs anymore. I alienated myself because I care for my mental health,” Monali said in the interview. She alleged the industry of crushing talents “like an ant” and promoting mediocre singers.

In an Instagram post, singer-composer Adnan Sami wrote, “The Indian Film & Music Industry SERIOUSLY needs a ‘Herculean‘ SHAKE UP. Especially in the context of music, New Singers, Veteran Singers, Music Composers & Music Producers – who are being exploited to the HILT!! “Fall into the DICTAT or you’re OUT”… Why is creativity beyond “CONTROLLED” by those you have no clue about ‘creativity’ & are trying to play GOD?? We have 1.3 Billion people in India by the grace of God- Is all that we have to offer is ‘remakes’ & ‘remixes’?”

However Bhushan Kumar’s wife, Divya Khosla, lashed out at the singer. 

In a video, she accused Sonu of leaving T Series after Gulshan Kumar died, thinking that the company would sink. She also asked why Bhushan Kumar needed to be saved from Abu Salem, referring to Sonu’s video. However, the singer reposted the video from his account and pointed out how Divya had turned off the comments.

One of Divya’s Instagram stories read “Today it’s all about who can run a good campaign…. Im even seeing people being able to sell lies & deceits with their strong campaigns…. #sonunigam such kind of people know how to play with the minds of the audience ….. God save our world !!!”

Sonu Nigam had previously shared a video on YouTube, where he said how there were only a few music banners in the industry who were in absolute power, which was the beginning of this virtual war.