Tamil star Suriya-starrer ‘Soorarai Pottru’ has entered the Oscar race for this year, confirmed the film’s co-producer Rajsekar Pandian. The film has been submitted for consideration in the Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Original Score and other categories.
“The film has
been made available in the Academy Screening Room today,” Pandian tweeted.
The film showcases the life of
Captain Gopinath, who founded budget airline Air Deccan.
Featuring Paresh Rawal and Aparna
Balamurli, the film was released last year, on November 12 on Amazon Prime
Video, making it the first Tamil film to get an OTT release due to the COVID-19
imposed nationwide lockdown.
Also read: ‘Nothing beautiful happens without struggle’: Bollywood celebrities wish Happy Republic Day
The Academy Awards organisers has decided
to allow films from last year that did not get theatre release due to the
pandemic and instead released on OTT platforms, to get 2021 Oscar’s
nominations. They also extended the cut-off date for Oscar-eligible films from
December 31, 2020 to February 28, 2021.
Along with the Oscar nomination, Rajsekar
Pandian also tweeted on December 20, 2020 about Soorarai Pottru being selected among the 10 Indian films to be screened at the 2021 Golden Globes
Awards under the Best Foreign Film category.
The 93rd Academy Awards is going to held on April 25 this year, which was initially scheduled to be held on February 28.