Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is currently promoting her upcoming film Gehraiyaan. The actress has been making headlines for not just the film but also her stylish appearances during promotions. Now, Victoria Beckham, a songwriter, the fashion designer has given a shout-out to Deepika’s head-to-toe white look, for which she wore pieces from the designer’s pre-spring summer collection.

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Beckham shared two pictures of the actress on Instagram, dressed in a white shirt and baggy trousers, making the combination look like a jumpsuit, and captioned them: “Beautiful @deepikapadukone in one of my favourite #VBPSS22 looks.” On the designer’s website, the shirt is priced at £420 ( ₹42,692) and the trousers for £580 ( ₹58,954).

Also read- Deepika Padukone on 15 years in Hindi cinema: Hope the journey always continues

Many of Padukone’s fans were delighted to see her new look. While a fan reacted, “Woaahhh VB and DP,” with fire icons, another fan commented, “Deepika makes it look flawless!” One more wrote, “Love love love the look.”

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In 2019, Padukone was spotted crushing on one of Victoria Beckham’s vacation looks. Beckham, who was on vacation then, sported a strappy maxi gown in two different colours in two separate pictures shared on Instagram. In one of the posts, Deepika wrote: “I want this dress in both the colours you wore them in.” She added a bunch of weeping eyes and heart-eyes emojis In the comments section