Timothée Chalamet, the American actor who made heads turn with his sartorial choice at the Venice Film Festival, has revealed to the British Vogue magazine the career advise he was given by Hollywood legend Leonardo DiCaprio, who himself was in the limelight like Chalamet since he was a teenager. DiCaprio advised Chalamet to stay away hard drugs and avoid acting in superhero movies.
In the interview, the 26-year-old actor said, “I should have been trying to get my adult feet under myself a little bit earlier than I did”, referring to how the pandemic left him underprepared for adulthood. He further added, “I found myself having to really, you know, be honest with myself that where I’ve been able to get myself to in life was balls to the wall, like throwing everything at [it] at a young age that, by some miracle, got me to where I am.”
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The Lady Bird actor revealed that the 47-year-old actor told him to stay away from hard drugs and superhero movies. Famously picky about his roles, diCaprio stayed away from the spotlight after his Oscar-winning performance in The Revenant in 2015. His next theatrical release was the 2019 Quentin Tarantino production, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
DiCaprio and Chalamet shared the screen in the 2021 Adam McKay directorial, Don’t Look Up, alongside Jennifer Lawrence, Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, and Jonah Hill. The film is a satirical look at the media today, where serious messages and questions are overwritten by hollow promises, glitz, and entertainment. The film even got a nomination for Best Film at the Academy Awards.
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DiCaprio will next be seen in 2023 in the Martin Scorsese directorial, Killers of the Flower Moon, which will be the seventh collaboration between the two legends. He will share screen-space in the film with another Scorsese veteran, Robert deNiro.
Chalamet, on the other hand, will be seen in the cannibal horror film, Bones & All, by Luca Guadagnino.