Fans of Taylor Swift are in disbelief after a bizarre footage posted on TikTok by a conspiracy theorist claimed the singer ‘harvests energy’ at her concerts and is “sadistic” and “satanic”.

Who is Laura Renaud?

Earlier this month, Laura Renaud responded to a user’s question about her thoughts on Taylor Swift’s Karma music video from her album Midnights by posting a TikTok in which she discussed the multi-Grammy winner musician.

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Renaud begins the video by declaring, “Here’s why I don’t f*** with Taylor Swift,” before going on to explain how her conspiracy theory ties into her broader view that “shape-shifting psychopaths run the world.” The latter is a widely held conspiracy theory that has connections to anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic stereotypes.

Renaud goes on to say “I am a ‘conspiracy theorist’, even though these are no conspiracies anymore people. All celebrities are controlled,” she goes on to claim.

“You need to understand that Hollywood and the whole entertainment industry had an agenda,” she says. “An agenda to program people, an agenda to lower people’s vibration.”

This isn’t the first time a music-related conspiracy theory has surfaced on social media. In 2021, it was widely believed that the pitch of contemporary music was “agitating” and “controlling” listeners’ brains.

Renaud says, “I would never listen to her new stuff because I know there’s a horrible vibe behind it.” She even goes so far as to imply that Swift isn’t human at one point.

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After talking about Swift’s current tour, the Eras Tour, Renaud makes some remarks on the undoubtedly outrageous costs some concertgoers are paying to attend. She claims that she would never “step foot” in one of the locations “because there are rituals taking place that harvest energy, and there is mind programming occurring.”

Other musicians and musical genres that Renaud claimed she wouldn’t listen to include The Weeknd, Beyonce, and “all the rap,” with the justification that they too are attempting to harness energy and manipulate fan minds. She continues by urging Swift supporters to “just open your eyes a little bit.”